Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Exploring Mediums" @ Bravura Gallery

One incredible week: Intensive high school reunion back home in Virginia, hosting Tinatin's book reading at Cornelia Cafe, two days of Census Bureau workola at 8 a.m., an audition for an HGTV show (!!!) and now a weekend in Southampton for dear friend Leo's Exploring Mediums charity event for Southampton Hospital, where Tinatin performed. Wowshah!Rehearsal at the venue, 4 North Main, with Tina and Jeff Franzel.Tina with lifelong friend and fellow Moscow patriot Julie.Pillow Talk.The gallery, with Setha, one of 14 artists displaying their wares.Tinatin performs after a lengthyyyyyy intro from meese.Patrons of all types in da house.Coby, my boyfriend du jour.With my beloved Liz D and Leo.Liz, Leo & meese, take two.The crowd watching Tina perform.Art in action.Leo and meese with lovely artist Loren.With beautiful couple Juliana & Alex.
Leo exhales after a successful, fun, phenomenal night.
Cheeseburgers at Barristers... with extra cheese from the peanut gallery.
The lovely ladies.

Tina with a clip from her original composition "We the Peoples."

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