Thursday, July 7, 2011

Boo Hoo! Maria Shriver Licks Her Wounds In New $10 Million Mansion

In late May, as news broke that Maria Shriver was whimpering over cheating husband Arnold Schwarzenegger, I took a cynical view on offering the silver-spoon Kennedy sympathy, writing, "She couldn't wait to appear on Oprah to talk smack about Ahhhnald, while TMZ now reveals that she's the one who leaked the story in the first place, in an effort to drum up public sympathy and suck him dry... as if she needs the money. Their combined net worth is reported at $500 million."

Oh, boo hoo. After filing for divorce July 2, Maria is living it up, buying a $10 million home in the exclusive L.A. Brentwood nabe, according to TMZ. I'm so happy she found a way to lick her wounds.

Even better, it looks like she'll be paying cash. RadarOnline reports that she stands to reap as much as $300 million from her divorce settlement (Cali has a 50/50 no-fault split). In addition, she is demanding child support for the couple's two teen kids, despite the fact that she is wealthier than her soon-to-be ex-husband. He is also socked with private school bills for their other two offspring.

Radar quotes a source: “Even though Maria has inherited millions of dollars from her [Kennedy] parents since their death, she is taking child support." The webbie also reports that the couple's 25-year marriage has been withering for years, but Shriver kept up appearances until her father R. Sergeant Shriver died in January. He was married to Eunice Kennedy, the sister of President John F. Kennedy.

Meanwhile, Shriver has been offered more than $15 million for her tell-all account of what went down between she and the former California governor. That would be the largest advance in history, topping an actual memoir of significance, former U.S. president Bill Clinton's My Life.

Here's another woman scorned taking advantage of her potential for public sympathy (read: Elizabeth Edwards). She's certainly taking every advantage of her "misfortune." Then again, it obviously comes natural: The silver spoon remains firmly in place.


  1. Wow! I can't buy what you're selling here Chuck. California is a no-fault state, meaning they'll split 50/50, unless some kind of pre-nup exists. He's the philanderer who impregnated his mistress at approximately the same time as he did Maria with their youngest child. He heaped the ultimate betrayal on him, and he deserves every bit of hassle he gets.

  2. I'm with you, Alice! Guys like Arnold have no business marrying and raising children. What a sham (and a shame). Too bad there's no blood test for character.


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