If you'd have asked me
three months ago, the notion

of sitting in front of a classroom of Census trainees to narrate the minutia of their upcoming role would've scared the loving bejesus out of me.
Despite the fact I was a member of my high school & college public speaking teams (trophies in possession, pictured below) and a DJ at a radio station in my hometown of Lynchburg, Va., the passage of so many years (all right, already, decades) left my comfort level a far distant memory.

To my surprise, when given no choice but to play teach, I found that not only did those long-dormant skills froth back to the surface, but I actually had a helluva time reciting repetitious, bland “verbatim” and turning it into an animated, interactive affair.
So when called into action again this week to train a class of 13 newly hired enumerators for the Census’ knock-on-doors operations known as NRFU, I was eager to return to the scene of the benign.
Herein lies one of the charms of this ongoing adventure with my part-time U.S. Census Bureau gig:

It’s all up to me to prove myself anew, with no preconceived reputation as that “Billboard guy.” No one knows, nobody cares where I came from—and frankly, I cherish it.
The experience was again a rush. I walked into the training session Tuesday, after the group had already spent a full day training with Crew Leader L. When I arrived, she announced, “It’s all yours, brother. I just can’t read anymore.”

Typically, there was one
Missy—that woman with 5,000 questions—but I managed to diffuse her with a light touch: “Again? I have an idea. Write down your questions and we’ll review them at the end of the lesson. Then your arm won’t hurt so much.” She actually apologized before proposing follow-up “what ifs.” Score!
Then there was K, a slacker who had the audacity to lay down her head on the table,

crossed arms and shut eyes. I clapped my hands mid-paragraph: “No sleeping! This is your job and you are being paid. We will not sleep on the job.” She appeared dumbfounded, while I pondered, is she really that dumb?
At the end of the training week, I was rewarded with humble satisfaction,

as well as a kind reward, when trainee P remarked, “It’s so nice to have a professional trainer.” I beamed liked a buffoon.
God bless this gig. Temp it may be, but this experience is going to serve me in positive ways for the rest of my days.
Chuck. Sitting in one of your training sessions is a must see. When is the next one? I can use a good laugh.LOL
ReplyDeleteThese are the types of blurbs I keep coming back hoping to find. Not much for the bitter queen rants or the 16-screen-long crotch shot collections. Love reading your people-interaction observations, though. Keep writing!