Friday, September 24, 2010

'80s Dreams: Mitch Gaylord

Mitch Gaylord won four medals in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles,and parlayed his dreamy boy looks and hot bod into the fairly dreadful 1986 film "American Anthem," in which he played, uh, a gymnast who can't get along with his papa and wants some of that from Janet Jones. For his role, he was nominated for a 1987 Razzie as Worst New Actor.

No matter: I had his door poster hanging in my bedroom back in the day. He certainly was a gorgeous young man.

Sadly, except for a couple more B movies, that was the end of the Hollywood spotlight for Gaylord. Today, he hawks a series of weight loss DVDs called "Melt It Off."The movie's theme, "Two Hearts," was recorded by John Parr, who a year before had a No. 1 hit with "St. Elmo's Fire." This is my No. 16 song for 1986; sadly, it never appeared on the singles chart.

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