The last week has utterly sucked wind. The reaction I had to an antibiotic that I finished last Saturday continues to leave me 1) dizzy 2) shaky/trembly 3) with intensive muscular aches 4) sensitivity to light 5) insomnia... to the point that I've pretty much been afraid to leave the apartment this week. It appears the interaction with a maintenance med I take was a prescription for disaster... I am
still awaiting equilibrium....
But I finally got my ass moving on Friday, if still walking up the street like a drunkard. Here's da day:

7a: Up and at 'em. Thanks to Ambein, I finally got enough sleep to attack the day amid dawn's early light.

10:30a: I signed on to a mystery shop assignment to watch all previews at a Brooklyn Heights movie theater preceding three matinee showings of "Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D." Got into the theater free, recorded audience reaction to previews at 11:10a, 11:50a and 12:30p, and was on my way. $14 earned, cool cats.

12:45p: As I mentioned, we auditioned for a makeover on HGTV's "Dear Genevieve" and
made the cut! So I stopped by to talk with my coop's building manager to make sure I fill out all proper paperwork and cross every "t."

1p: Mystery shop 2 for the day! McDonald's in downtown BK. Yes, there is such a thing as free lunch—plus $7.50 in my pocket for evaluating the store, from countertops and floors to bathrooms and condiment station.

2p: Met with Andy, the rep for Atlantis Insurance. Thankfully,
signed up for a plan once my COBRA expires at the end of the month.

3:30p: Strategy call with Ghia to talk ideas about collaborating on a multi-media project together. This is the future... I hope.

5p: I'll drink to that. Gin and soda, please.
6p: Going stir crazy and wholly irritated that my pepes are having a birthday dinner in the city for Christa, and I'm too wobbly to leave the apartment. Fuck it. Off I go. First time I've been in Manhattan in two weeks. That's a weird feeling.

7p: My pals applaud when I creak into the restaurant. I'm horrified. I stay an hour, have a drink, satiate myself with companionship and head home.

8:30p: It's a weekend in New York and you can't get there from here! The R train takes me over Manhattan Bridge and deep into Brooklyn, forcing me to loop back to get home. That's the MTA, fuck you very much.

9:30p: Online job-hunting, the usual colossal waste of time. I find nothing... I'll drink to that...
1a: Goodnight, cool cats. A packed day, at last. Dream on.
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