Friday, August 19, 2011

Rodiney Santiago Wows Hundreds At 2012 Calendar Release Soiree

What a nice guy Rodiney Santiago continues to be. The sweet one on Logo's nasty gayfest A List: New York hosted a charity fundraiser for the Ali Forney Center to celebrate the release of his meaty 2012 calendar.

Also in attendance at Chelsea pub Boxer's were fellow A Listers Mike Ruiz (the celebrity photog who shot the sweaty, revealing cal pics) and Reichen Lehmkuhl... my buds Leo, Bobby & Timmy... and hundreds of New Yorkers to gawk at & greet the reality presence.

When I saw Rodiney, he said, "Hey, baby, it's nice to see you," flashing his million-dollar smile and offering a kiss on my cheek. Natch, I won't be washing my face for the next several weeks, no matter how many bugs take refuge in my goatee.

This is the third time I've met The Smoking Nun's Most Beautiful Man of 2010, and each time, he has been inclusive, accommodating and oh-so patient with the minions who want a glance at his manly flesh. Sadly, because of the cal's $25 price tag, I declined to purchase one... for now. My birthday, however, is coming up next month (hint). On to the photos, cool cats!
Meet Boxer's staffers Patrick and Gavin. Ooh la la!
More pics after the jump!!!

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