Friday, December 19, 2008

Didn't We Elect A Democrat?

I've tolerated most of Barrack Obama's centrist appointments so far: Pick the best man or woman for the job, no matter party affiliation... okay. But his choice of homophobe Rick Warren to oversee the religious crap included in the inauguration is unacceptable.

This is a loud-mouthed celebrity preacher who derided Proposition 8 and compares gays marrying to pedophiles and polygamists. He brags about contributing to AIDS, drawing a typically uneducated conclusion that gay = AIDS.

Obama responded that he's all about civil rights and we must "come together"(!). For a black man who lived through prejudice against his race, I am appalled that he believes this millionaire "man of God" has any role in a forward-thinking new era (click link for Huffington Post perspective).

"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another."—Jonathan Swift

Strike one.

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