Friday, December 19, 2008

Food 'Tude

When I moved to Brooklyn Heights in May 2000, my apartment was stacked high with 70 boxes. To take a break and relieve the stress, I would regularly stop in the Key Foods. Imagine, a real grocery store in New York City.

Since, the luscious Trader Joe's has opened close by and yesterday, while Christmas shopping at Atlantic Center, I actually spent 45 minutes at the gargantuan Pathmark there, which felt like being in Macy's. They sell comforter sets, for god's sake. I bought Cmas presents, yes, but also came home with three bags of booty: fresh doughnuts, homemade pot pies, Sylvia's black-eyed peas, on and on...

Man, I love me a good grocery store.

And below, a fantastic photo from flickr of a Manhattan A&P in 1936!

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