Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Celine's Hubby René Angélil To Play Godfather In French Flick

It's not April Fool's day, right? The Montreal Gazette reports that Céline Dion’s husband,  René Angélil, has signed on to play the Godfather in a film version of gritty mob TV series Omerta.

Le Journal de Montréal says that Dion’s hubbie will be godfather Dominic Fagazi in the film Le projet Omerta, to be directed by Omerta author Luc Dionne. Film producer Denise Robert apparently suggested Angelil for the role. The film shoots from the end of May through July in and around Montreal.

The former musician—who certainly has the gravelly voice and demeanor for the role—last acted in the movie Après-Ski, L'apparition, back in 1971.

In other Celine news, Julie Snyder’s Productions J will produce a documentary on Dion that will air on Oprah Winfrey's struggling OWN network, about her new Vegas show.

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