Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Confused Woman Wanders Onto Subway Dressed Like Trailer Trash

New York City is a place where most anything goes in terms of fashion... that is, unless you happen to mistake sweatpants for public wear, which should be strictly designated to A) a sweaty workout inside the gym or B) sneaking from your apartment to the basement laundry room because you're washing every pair of britches you own.

Sweat pants and a t-shirt? In public? I don't care if you're in the heart of Manhattan or shopping at a Goodwill store in Peoria. It is never, ever acceptable to be outside of your interior locked door parading your trailer trash demeanor. Please... your mama must have raised you better.


  1. Oh no lol Chuck!!!! I have to say sweatpants put me in a happy place - and I am known to ride subways, go to dance classes, walk the streets, and go to movies in sweatpants. Hope we're not fighting?

  2. Oh, you would have loved (not) the "fashion" at JazzFest. Why is it that women think tights are pants and they can wear a short shirt with them? Or the woman whose belly hung over her shorts like men do, but the belly was bare? My eyes! MY EYES!


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