Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday @ Almond in Bridgehampton

Liz D. and I joined New York buddy Larry Dvoskin Friday for dinner at Almond—for gay night! Truly the loudest restaurant I have ever been in, and not just because the queens were screaming... There is just something about the acoustics of that space that make a whisper sound like a roar. I mean, there are times when you want to hear the canoodling couple next to you talking about how much they have in common after knowing each other for 30 minutes... not a chance.Here's Larry's yoga instructor pal Heather, Larry and their friend Andy.Liz D. and meese on the other side of the table.Meese, Liz D. and LarryOnward after dinner to pick up Ayhan and Larry's friend Brett at the Bridgehampton train station. Oh, happy day... rather, weekend. Lots planned for the days ahead. Stay tuned, cool cats.

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