Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bloomberg: A Crook Caught In The Act

New Yorkers are painfully aware that in October, Mayor Mikie Bloomberg swiped away a law mandated by voters limiting city council—and the mayor—to two terms. There was no question that as usual, he greased many palms to get his way. And now we know how.

A major expose in The New York Times Feb. 5, reveals just how generous the billionaire bully is with his money when he wants something: "Aides to Mayor Bloomberg hopscotch around the world on two Falcon 900 private jets, where wine and sushi are served. They stay at the Four Seasons in London ($400 a night), the Intercontinental in Paris ($320) and the King David in Jerusalem ($345). Room service? The mayor pays for it all. Even the laundry." 'The world of Mike Bloomberg is a charmed place,' said Jonathan Capehart, who worked as a policy adviser on Mr. Bloomberg’s first bid for mayor, [and received] a $25,000 bonus."

The mayor plans to spend $80 million on his re-election this year after shelling out $150 million for the previous two elections, which won't exactly leave him buying $1 hotdogs at Gray's Papaya: The Times reports he is the most-traveled mayor in New York history, flying "aides to Athens and Santo Domingo, Port-au-Prince and Dubrovnik, Berlin and Belfast."

At a news conference, the queenie mayor got huffy when a reporter asked if he would limit campaign spending this time: "I am not going to talk about the campaign,” he said. “I think it’s one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.” Well of course he does. This is a man who is not accountable to anyone—least of all the citizens of New York.

“As he has in the past, the mayor is buying a campaign,” said Eduardo Castell, campaign manager for City Comptroller and mayoral candidate William C. Thompson Jr.

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