Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So Wrong

Bite me, Honey Maid. Your easy, breezy cheesecake recipe not only about burned out my hand mixer, but had smoke coming out of my ears. This mess took hours to prepare, cook, cool and refrigerate... and it looks like the San Andreas Fault. I took a bite from one of two additional mini-cheesecakes I manufactured and it tastes like Elmer's Glue. Boy, I love cooking for my man. He won't touch this shit. The good news: I have some caulking I need to do. At least it's good for home repairs.

1 comment:

  1. I can bake anything...but cheesecake. It is something best bought from a good bakery! ;) (Less expensive too generally)

    Sorry you had a natural disaster there Chuck. Been there and done that myself.


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