Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lego Legacy

Back in high school, I relieved the pressure of studying for exams by building with my Lego. I inherited a bunch of blocks from brother Chris and continually added to my collection, building houses, hotels or apartment buildings. By the mid-1980s, when I lived in D.C., Lego was reacting to a general lack of kid creativity by making kits—with directions. What fun is that?
When I moved to New York, the Lego came with me, and I delighted in being able to buy red and white bricks on It's been a decade since the blocks have come out, but I've had my mind on the craft—and the Super Bowl was the perfect time to watch four hours of meaningless TV and create... thus the Taylor Towers!

Sure enough, by the fourth story, New York Mike Bloomberg sent me a letter, warning that if I intended to rent out apartments to anyone that made less than $1 million a year, he would never let me smoke again, eat salt or buy french fries... but I persisted—in fact, making sure that my buddy Chuck the groundhog bit the hand that refuses to feed New Yorkers that don't meet his salary qualifications. (See post down a few from here if that doesn't make sense.)

Tonight, I hit nine stories and I'm sadly running out of Lego blocks... but I intend to carry on, dammit. I'm gunning for a good 12-story structure, complete with a rooftop pool and a view of the Statue of Liberty. Herein lies all progress, in reverse order... So what if it's 2:30 a.m. I have work to do... Stand by, cool cats!

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