Monday, August 31, 2009

Finally, A Hamptons Property I Can Afford...

I've at last located a modest summer home in the Hamptons that I think I can afford. Classic wood clapboard, pleasant paint color, free parking, located close to the beach and lots of DIY potential. It even has a white picket fence. Sold!

We Meet Again

Hello, old friend.

Sunday: Grand Slam Winners Tennis Exhibition @ Ross School In East Hampton

On Sunday, Liz D. and I attended the Grand Slam Winners Tennis Exhibition Match at the Ross School Tennis Center in East Hampton, which featured a celebrity pro-match with Alec Baldwin, Christie Brinkley, and "Real Housewives of New York" LuAnn De Lesseps and Ramona Singer. In addition, Andre Agassi was honored with a portrait that was presented to the tennis great by Liz's client, Tony Capparellia. All proceeds from the $500-a-ticket event, which also included a silent auction, benefited Ross School scholarships and programs. (All photos by The Smoking Nun)Tony Capparellia's stunning portrait of Agassi.Liz D., Christie Brinkley, meese.Tony Capparellia, Alec Baldwin, Liz D., meese.Liz D., Ramona Singer, meese.Presentation of Tony's portrait to Andre Agassi.Liz D. and Andre chatola.Andre, Christie and Alec cajole at the photogs' screen.Liz D. and publicist Lizzie Grubman.Rufus Wainwright with his delicious boyfriend Jorn Weisbrodt."Real Housewives" Countess LuAnn De Lesseps and Ramona Singer.Alec Baldwin, two friends, and chaos.The ageless, so-very-pleasant Christie Brinkley.Danity Kane's Aubrey O'Day with two admirers.Poodleicious! With Sports Illustrated model Jessica Gomes and friend.Inside the lobby of the Ross School, where the silent auction was hosted.The action outside on the tennis court.Alec Baldwin greets Christie Brinkley.Author Larry "Ratso" Sloman.Christy Brinkley participated in the celebrity pro-match......As did Countess LuAnn De Lesseps, with pro tennis player Vince Van Patton.It's all in the shoes, dude.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Artist Watch: Eileen Hickey-Hulme

Saturday evening, as Liz D. and I drove around beautiful Montauk—on the very tip of Long Island—we ended up at Driftwood Alley Gallery, run by Sag Harbor artist Tony Servideo, overlooking the scenic shores of Fort Pond, where I had the pleasure of meeting Liz's new friend, artist Eileen Hickey-Hulme.

It's no secret why this woman is making waves in the art world. First, there's a playful glint in her eye—an obvious lust for life—in addition to an innate sense of style and astute magnetism that all great "entertainers" possess. Add to that her chops: a Bachelor of Fine Arts from NYC's Hunter College and 35 years working in the city as a fine-art painter.

Her paintings feature quite a novel imprint—created from nail polish, eyeshadow and lipstick. Get that one? Eileen's works have been shown across the city and in East Hampton and Amagansett, N.Y. She is also an associate with her husband John's architectural firm in Tribeca, where she has lived for the past 30 years. Oh, did I mention that she is just fabulous, inviting and warm and embracing of all around her?

Among mixed media..."Pistol Whipped," 2009"Surrender With Automatic Weapons."

Saturday: Montauk Memories

After a slightly sloppy, waterlogged second visit to the Hampton Classic, Liz D. and I drove to the end of Long Island—some 30 miles from Southampton—to Montauk, where the outer tip is surrounded within eye view by water on both sides. The only comparison I can conjure in America to such organic beauty is the West Coast's Pacific Coast Highway.Rolling Stones: "Hannah honey was a peachy kind of girl/Her eyes were hazel and her nose were slightly curved/We spent a lonely night at the Memory Motel/It's on the ocean, I guess you know it well..." Yup, this is the place.To the famous Gurney's End for a walk-through. Dramatic full-service inn since nearly the beginning of the 1900s.Gurney's Big "G" along the bank.Room rates starting at $200... oh, sorry, that's during the off-season. Don't bother to ask during the season, which is sold out through September anyway.God, I know there's a really clever caption here about Venus and the Lady Liz... um, uh, hmm.And now, we reach the very tip, where the ocean waves crash in a diagonal pattern, since the Atlantic is reaching a geological tip.Demonstrated here.The Lighthouse, built in 1796 by George Washington. As a Virginian, I thought the first prez dedicated himself to his home state and all... but apparently he paraded as a Yankee a good bit of the time.View two.Closer view: Please deposit 25 cents, cool cats.My god, how lovely to see your mammer cycling by! Love her ponytail!Catch it, weigh it, picture it... and then what? Eat fish? Ewww.Liz and I had an ideal, relaxed, indulgent (ultra rare for us) seafood dinner right around the corner, at Gurney's Inn.

Egads, Mariah Actually Sings Again

While American radio is suffering through "Obsessed," the first single from Mariah Carey's upcoming "Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel," Europe is being serviced with a song—you know, with a melody and a chorus and vocals and a build and stuff. I must say, Mimi knocks it out of the park with her soaring remake of Foreigner's 1985 chart-topper "I Want to Know What Love Is." She actually sings. Who'da thunk it possible in the millennium?

Mind you, Tina Arena delivered the consummate rerub of the song back in 1997, from her disc, "In Deep." Wynonna's 2005 dance remix wasn't too shabby, either.

Off To The Races!

The rain has stopped!Following up, what a high time! No one was there. The horses were done. It was a sloppy muddy mess. But a pretty mess, all the same.We stopped by Lynn Matsuoka's booth once again, where she awarded Liz and meese t-shirts, as long as we promised to model them... and here we are.