Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Beautiful 9/11 Reflection Re: The Randy Report Blog

This says so much with precious few words.
Excerpted from one of my daily reads, The Randy Report...

So, here's my plan for the day.
I'm going to work at my computer.
Like every day.
I'm going to tell my husband I love him.
Like every day.
I'm going to listen to music and read some of my favorite writers. 
Like every day.
I'm going to be glad I'm still here.
Like every day.
I'm going to enjoy the freedoms I have.
Like every day.
I'm going to think of something I can do to make things even just a little bit better.
Like every day.
People didn't die 10 years ago so we would stop living our lives.
So, here's my plan: reflect, honor, and keep moving forward.
Like every day.
No fear, kids.

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