Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thief Makes Himself At Home At Celine Dion's Montreal Manse

A very brave—or dumb as shit—thief broke into Celine Dion's Montreal home Monday evening and took the time to prepare a meal and run a bath before he was arrested.

The 36-year-old suspect was nabbed at the luxury home on Gagnon island, between Montreal and Laval. Celine's security called 911 after the mansion's alarm system went off.

The buffoon was taking it easy on the second floor of the home, after moving freely throughout the sprawling mansion and sitting down for dinner. An authority told The Toronto Sun, "He had a bath going but didn't have time to take it. He thought he was at home and acted like it was his house. He even told the police, 'Eh! What are you doing here?'" Genius!

Needless to say, the dude spent Monday night in a mental hospital. He was scheduled to appear at the Laval courthouse Tuesday afternoon.

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