Monday, January 19, 2009

Wintra Wondraland... Yet Again

It just doesn't snow in New York. For all of the ghastly arctic temps that usually hit right about now, this city is traditionally deprived of a good white dump. When I moved here in October 2005, we were blessed with an historic snowfall that closed down Broadway for the first time since the 1920s, with snow tickling the tops of parking meters. I assumed that that's the way it was. Alas, nothing doing. But this season has spit out snow like a West Virginian's chewing tobaccy.

And what a joy. No car to dig out, no driveway to shovel, no salt to sprinkle... just boots with traction and transportation that runs underground, so who cares if it's snowing, raining, sleeting or spewing volcanic flames.

I've been nursing a terrible cold for more than a week now, but couldn't resist heading out for some pics. It was nearly 5 p.m. and the sun was setting, so they're not particularly clear, and yet, the experience was 20/20. Wait, that didn't really work, did it?

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