Sunday, January 4, 2009

Betty Boo

Who watches live TV anymore? After all, it's 2008... oops, 2009. I'm catching up on "Ugly Betty" on Tivo, realizing what a piss poor job the show did with developing her alleged new love interest Jessie, played by the talented (and pretty) Val Emmich.

It seems the writers couldn't make up their minds about what to do with the character: one week on, two weeks off, then slowly draining him to nuttin'. It's obvious that ABC flip-flopped by reading short-term response instead of making a commitment and allowing the singer/actor to become the major force he deserves to be.

As a result, the theme about Betty moving into her own Manhattan apartment and developing a life on her own is a flatline. A great show is now in danger of jumping the shark, because it can't make its mind up whether the lead character can become a grown-up New Yorker with her own life... or remain solely dedicated to her family... yawn...

Oh, did I mention that I gave Val a stellar review in Billboard for his phenomenal single "Go On With It"? He also joined us during the summer at Lunasa. Sweet, handsome man. Hopefully, he'll move forward to a place where he's appreciated. (He's top right.)

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