Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fundamental Civil Rights: Is This 2009 Or 1959?

On Logo channel this evening, I watched an engrossing documentary “Tying the Knot” about gay marriage, and saw addressed for the very first time—amid so many hundreds of discussions over the years about the topic—that even if random states honor gay marriage, the greater issue of federal recognition remains fundamental and unfulfilled where one partner in a couple is not an American.

CONNIE RESS, Marriage Equality: Our government is saying, “Don’t fall in love with someone from another country, because they’re going to have to be sent back to their country.”
MAX: I’m from Argentina, I came to New York and I met Jessie three years ago and I fell in love and I moved here because I want to be with my love.
JESSIE: Even if marriage becomes legal in Massachusetts, the discriminatory law of the Defense of Marriage Act still needs to be repealed and struck down, so that our marriage will be recognized on a federal level and Max will receive a green card. Where’s the compassion when this country is forcing us to leave?
(SOON-TO-BE FOREVER FORMER) PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: I strongly believe that marriage, uh, should be defined as between a man and a woman. I am troubled by activist judges that are defining marriage.

I only pray that Barrack Obama propels past his first impression as apathetic toward civil rights, given his selection of homophobe Rick Warren to preside over the “religious” festivities of his inauguration…

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