Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Beatles: Why?

A request, please. Can anybody kindly explain why The Beatles Rockband is of interest to the mass market? Let's see, Beatles fans are in their 50s+ now. Video games appeal to the kids of 35-year-olds. What's the connect here?

Oh, wait, if you're about to tell me about the timeless nature of The Beatles' music, let me lean over the edge of the toilet bowl now. Here we go again. This hapless rockabilly group was shaped into the Backstreet Boys of the day by (genius) muse George Martin, who molded them into a pop sensation—the day's Lou Pearlman, perhaps, except without the pedophile leanings. Their songs were momentous in their time, and they changed the face of top 40 in the early 1960s, around the world... as did 'N Sync 30 years later. And Hanson. And Britney and Christina and every other youth act that followed. Okay, so The Beatles wrote their songs; so they have catalog, the only real discernible difference I see. And yet they continue to be regarded as some sort of immortal presence.

I'm old. I was there toward the middle and at the end of their reign. I didn't get it then. I understand it even less now.


  1. THIS was your most fucking brilliant post EVER.....I've never understood The Beatles thing either....they wrote and recorded some nifty pop songs, but WHY they're regarded as demi-Gods, I'll NEVER know.

  2. Chuck Chuck Chuck -- what about the cool Beatles, the post moptops? George Harrison with the long beard? John Lennon ranting against Nixon and the man? Abbey Road? Granted, I don't get the video game either, and I fear that the Rebel Beatles are getting subsumed into all this mass consumerism, but there was a reason why all us old people liked them so much.

  3. Oh come on, N'Sync didn't change Top 40. They were just the latest New Kids. Hanson just had a catchy hit or two. I mean, you could make the same claim for Nelson. And Britney and Christina were all following in Madonna's footsteps...

    No, the Beatles symbolized their time and wrote many, many classic hits. And if you interviewed today's up and coming artists, you'll find many of them inspired by Michael Jackson and yes, the Beatles!

    But the truth is that the Beatles are smart. They wait and wait and when they finally release something, it's a huge event...


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