Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome To Alabama... Oops, I Mean New York

Today, the New York state Senate overwhelmingly killed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, in a region that used to pride itself on diversity and a more open-minded stance than the majority of the country. Well, let me qualify that: The citizens of New York are indeed open to equal rights. It's this lame state government that can't see beyond its collective butthole.

According to the New York Daily News, the Senate voted the measure down 38-24. New York joins 31 other states to condemn equality for its citizens. Natch, none of the Senate's 30 Republicans voted for the measure. Among 32 Democrats, 24 voted for it, 8 against.

Sen. Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn) rightfully compared the vote to historical views of slavery and interracial marriage. "Because the numerical majority is in one place does not mean they are in the right place," he said in the Daily News story. "You don't have to be gay to respect the rights of those who are."

Pitiful. I might as well move back to Virginia.

Make that, I'm moving back to D.C.: "The D.C. Council voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to legalize same-sex marriage in the District, a key step in a process that could enable gay couples to marry in the nation's capital by the spring. After months of debate, the council passed the legislation 11 to 2. A second vote, scheduled in two weeks, is necessary for the measure to become law. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) has said he will sign it.

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