Monday, December 14, 2009

BLT w/ Jill & K'tina

Catching up: Last Thursday, lovely publicist and pal Jill Siegel invited Kristina and meese out for an old-fashioned evening in the entertainment industry... reminding me of the lofty life I used to treasure some nine months ago. We started at the EMI Publishing party on Fifth Avenue, on the rooftop of its headquarters. Some view, huh? (especially gawking inside the stunning million-dollar-plus lofts across the street.)Then it was off to BLT Steak on Park Avenue, where I enjoyed not only the fine company of two lovely ladies, but the fattest baked potato I've had this year... oh, there was a gorgeous hunk of meat, too. Below, a view so love-e-ly, I offer it twice.

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