Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hillbilly Mom Swears Miley Doll Is Swearing

This is a good one! A mom obviously raised without benefit of English classes or orthodontia, says that her daughter's Hannah Montana doll is singing about "fucking pie" instead of "pumpkin pie." What the hell is a fucking pie anyway? When you watch the news clip below, in which the phrase is played, you'll discover two things: 1> Miley Cyrus should have stuck to acting 2> the mom, in addition to being a backward uneducated hillbilly who is inventing a crisis so that she can appear on "World's Dumbest Parents," is clearly an idiot. I can't imagine where the daughter learned that there word "fucking" in the first place, to be able to repeat it after the possessed doll started swearing at her.

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